
Other Forums (our forum is the best, of course)

Gardenweb Wiring Forum
In spite of the site name, there is more than gardening info here. They have a lot of forums devoted to home repair, diy, remodeling, etc. There are (or maybe were…read on) several professional electricians that contribute to the wiring forum, although there seems to be a rising tide of resentment towards the increasingly obtrusive advertisements and recent changes to the privacy policy and terms of service. A few folks have voiced their displeasure on the forum. Hopefully they will find their way to our forum!
Electrical Contractor Network Forums
This seems to be inhabited solely by professionals. An interesting place for some diy lurking, although a lot of the discussion centers on things a typical diyer would not be too interested or well-versed in–commercial electrical work, etc. But some good info here, and lots of good photos of iffy electrical installations (we have to admit that this was the inspiration for our own photo forum). You’ll have to fight through quite a clutter of ads and animated images on the page–the site overall is pretty chaotic.
Usenet group with occasional discussions on electrical stuff.
Electrician’s Toolbox Etc
Proceed with caution: the home page ominously declares “This site is not intended for the do-it-your-self person, only qualified electrical persons.” Hmm. The site does make it clear that inspectors are welcome, though: “Electrical Inspectors are always welcome!” In spite of the unfriendly welcome, there is some useful info. The “Tricks of the Trade” sectiion is worth a check. There are some photos of different code violations on the “Electrical Pics” page (I would include a link to these pages, but the site uses frames so you can’t bookmark individual sections).
Joe Tedesco’s site
This guy appears to be the NEC guru.
Mike Holt’s Code Forum
Lot’s of NEC resources here. This forum is strictly for the pros, as indicated in the rules posted there when you register: “This NEC Forum is for those in the electrical and related industries. Questions of a ‘How-To’ nature by persons not involved in the electrical industry will be removed without notice..” So only good for lurking.
Journal of Light Construction electrical forum
Moderated by Joe Tedesco. Has a decent level of participation.
National Association of Certified Home Inspectors
There are two forums here. One for general discussions related to electrical inspections, and one with entertaining (and educational) photos of various violations found during inspections. Both geared towards inspectors, obviously, but some good info there of use to the diyer–great examples of the wrong way to do things.

Instructional Sites